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Research and Innovation
           For the past decade, MPW has collaborated with local universities   Ashley Cooper Stormwater Education Consortium to tackle
           and colleges to maintain our graduate internship program in   local environmental issues. Our most recent milestone includes
           which we focus on environmental protection and emerging   a published paper in an open-access, peer-reviewed journal
           issues in both wastewater and water treatment. We also   investigating microplastics in wastewater treatment. Below are a

           collaborate with local nonprofit and federal agencies, including   few of the examples of how MPW is a leader in our industry and
           NOAA, Charleston Waterkeeper, and Clemson Extension’s   continues to be on the cutting edge of research.

                            Bacteria Source Tracking                                 PBDES
                            Applications of Source-Tracking and                      Tracking Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers
                            Site-Specific Models for Water Quality                    (PBDEs) Through Wastewater Treatment.

                            Assessment of Tidal Waters: Upper Inlet
                            Creek, Mount Pleasant, South Carolina.

                            An Assessment of the Presence and                        PFAS
                            Fate of Pharmaceuticals and Personal                     Determining PFAS Concentrations in the
                            Care Products (PPCPs) Found in Treated                   Wastewater Treatment Process.
                            Wastewater Discharges into Charleston
                            Harbor, South Carolina.

                            Microplastics                                            Shem Creek
                            Wastewater Treatment Plants as a Source                  Town of Mount Pleasant and Charleston
                            of Microplastics to an Urban Estuary:                    Waterkeeper Project – Quantifying

                            Removal E ciencies and Loading per                       Enterococci Bacteria Concentrations in
                            Capita Over One Year.                                    Shem Creek.

           Meet our Sta

                                                                                                                                                                       Annual Wastewater Report

                                Wastewater Operations Department                                  Field Services Department

                                                                                                                                           This report summarizes the performance of Mount Pleasant Waterworks’ Wastewater Treatment
                                                                                                                                           Plants (WWTP) during the 12-month period from January 1, 2019 to December 31, 2019. During this
                                                                                                                                           period, we collected, transported, and treated an average of 8 million gallons of wastewater per day -
                                                        The Value of Clean Water and                                                       a total of more than 3 billion gallons per year. We are pleased to report on the job we do in protecting
                                                        Commitment to Quality                                                              the public health and environment, meeting regulatory requirements, and accommodating the

                                                                                                                                           unprecedented growth of the community.
              Mount Pleasant Waterworks Operations Center  •  1619 Rifle Range Rd., Mount Pleasant, SC 29464  •  843-884-9626  •
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