Are you seeing a big influx of wipes in your wastewater collection system?
We worked closely with Ross Valley Sanitary to develop COVID-19 specific outreach materials to remind people not to flush wipes and paper towels in the toilets.

All Inclusive Media Package for $750
Includes one video, +2 social media posts + 1 bill insert, postcard OR other 6 feet back material customized for your agency ($2,116 value).
15 Second Video
Use on your social media feed, YouTube Channel and website. Available in English or Spanish.
2 Social Media Posts
For use on your Facebook & Instagram pages. Available in English or Spanish.
Bill Insert or Post Card
8.5×3.667 full color one sided. Or you could choose a 6×9 post card instead. Available in English or Spanish.
Contact us about your project needs, and together we’ll discuss how you can hit your goals.